Saturday, October 17, 2015

Revised Conclusion

Since I completely revised my introduction, it's time to do the same for my conclusion.  Keeping in mind Student's Guide strategies and tips, I rewrote my conclusion in an attempt to make it more effective and striking.  You can view my original and new conclusion here.

EWikist. "The End Book." 8/23/10 via Wikimedia Commons.
Public Domain License.
My new conclusion uses the tactic of "Circling Back," which gives it a more cohesive feel.  I open by going back to the new narrative I use in the new introduction.  This helps create an image that can be visualized more easily, as opposed to my original conclusion, which didn't have a lot of imagery.  In the original conclusion I tried to answer the question "So what?" as well as imply the "Looking Foward" tactic, but I think that those are both more effective in my new conclusion, because I framed them within the context of the intro's narrative.  I'm not sure if I like the very last sentences, so I'll probably need to revise those some more.

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