Thursday, October 22, 2015

Questions About Controversy

For my next project, I'll be working off the topic that I covered somewhat Project 2: drought and water consumption.  I want to address the issues that are happening locally and in the state of Arizona.  To start off my research process, I'm generating some questions about the controversy that address things I'll need to know to construct my own public argument.

Potter, Chris. "3D Blue Question Mark." 4/30/15 via Flickr.
Attribution 2.0 Generic License.

  1. Who are some of the biggest agriculture companies (Monsanto, etc), and are their practices sustainable in terms of water consumption?
  2. What city in Arizona consumes the most amount of water per capita?  Why?
  3. Besides Central Arizona Project, who supplies the other main sources of water to Arizona?
  1. What are the basic statistics about how much water Tucson consumes, how much is in our stores, and how much is in the external resources?
  2. What are the water rights concerning the Colorado River and other major water suppliers?
  3. How is Arizona prepared to face serious water shortages?  What plans have been made?
  1. When were the most recent water laws written?
  2. When was the Colorado River at its fullest?
  3. When was the Central Arizona Project created?  What were the conditions of this time to drive the need for such a large project that imported water into Arizona?
  1. What percentage of Arizona homes does the Central Arizona Project supply water for?
  2. What cities in Arizona have been receiving the smallest amount of rainfall in the last decade?  How have these cities dealt with this?
  3.  How is water usage incorporated into Arizona education?
  1. How has recent news been covered for the topic of water usage in Arizona?  How is the issue portrayed?
  2. What is the general knowledge/belief about Central Arizona Project and water consumption in Arizona?
  3. How has this topic been discussed in the political realm of the media?  

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