Thursday, October 15, 2015

Reflection on Project 2

In the process of revising my rhetorical analysis, I will be reflecting on where I am in the drafting and revising process, and what improvements and work I still have to complete.  For the peer review, I edited Chad and Zayla's essays.

M1-L3C. "Conclusion." 11/27/13 via Wikimedia Commons.
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

My thesis is clear, located at the end of my introductory paragraph.  It is more specific than just saying ethos/pathos/logos were used.  Specifically, I mention how the sequential explanation, historical facts, and framing the issue are all effect strategies the author used.

I'm organizing my essay in sort of the way that the author organized her's.  That is, I'm following along and analyzing each strategy I'm addressing in the order they're presented in the article.  Each paragraph has a central idea that links back to the thesis, and should be clear from the first or first few sentences.

I analyzed specific instances of pathos and logos, while also talking about the audience.  I talked about how when the author tailors her arguments to her audience, she's the most effective, which ties together the strategies she uses, and how she's aware of her rhetorical situation.  I could talk about the context some more, though.  I'm trying to figure out how to give my audience enough understanding of the issue without going into too much depth.  Originally I had more details in the introduction, but how that I've rewritten my introduction, some of the facts I had are gone.  I might have to work these facts into the body paragraphs to ensure that the issue is clear and the readers are properly informed on relevant background knowledge.

I definitely talked about how the strategies in the article related to the author's specific audience.  I evaluated these strategies' effectiveness, and concluded that when the author was clearly conscious of her audience and keeping them in mind, she was most memorable and persuasive.  I talked about the effect that the different strategies or instances should have on the reader, but I could probably go into more depth.

In every paragraph I have clear evidence that I then analyze.  When I can I quote directly, but sometimes I paraphrase.  The analysis should be explaining how the example is relevant, but I could go back and double check to make sure.

My conclusion needs work.  I'm not sure that I'm resonating enough with my readers, and making it clear that my issue is important and deserves attention.  I've sort of gotten at it, but water shortage and resources are such a crucial part of daily life that I could probably be more dramatic/memorable, so my conclusion and essay sticks with my readers more.

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