Friday, September 18, 2015

Paragraph Analysis

Amada44. "Speech Bubble." 2/20/08 via Wikimedia Commons.
Public Domain License.

I went through my own QRG and analyzed each paragraph, commenting on its main idea, organization, and transitions.  In doing this, I realized that while some paragraphs are structured really well, others lead away from the main idea/subheading.  In some paragraphs, there is no clear main idea, which is something I obviously really need to fix.

Some paragraphs I also have really good transitions, whereas other paragraphs I don't have any transition at all.  In general, an overall strength is that my paragraphs are organized logically.

One way to fix my problem of not having a clear main idea, and then therefore not sticking with a main idea, is changing my subheadings.  Some of my subheadings are too restrictive, and the section goes beyond just what the subheading states.

My paragraphs just vary a lot in strengths and weaknesses.  This is because some sections I had planned out much clearer than others, and therefore naturally already followed the paragraph guidelines in Rules for Writers.  The good news is that I have a good example of every aspect (a main idea established, a paragraph that develops the main idea, well organized paragraphs, ideas linked in a coherent manner, and smooth transitions) somewhere in my paper.  I can then take these examples and fix the weaknesses I found.

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