Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Cluster of My Controversy: Ivory Trade

I've made a cluster of all the ideas that I've been writing about in regards to ivory trade from these last few posts.  This is a visual summary of what I've learned.

The right side in blue contains things to do with live elephants, poaching, and conservation efforts.  On the left side are things that relate to trade of the ivory itself (the elephant in question is already dead).  This includes legal trade and illegal trade, as well as ethics, and pro-trade arguments (all of the anti-trade arguments belong to conservation groups, or relate to government ivory destructions and regulations).

The key groups and speakers in those groups are in bold, all caps, and the branches are red.  Their respective ideologies and statements are connected.

Here is also the link for the Coggle cluster for easier viewing:

After viewing how organized and easy to read Grace's cluster was, I actually went back and edited my own cluster, as to make it easier to find the information the assignment asked for.  I recolored the branches of key groups red, so they would stand out.  Olivia's cluster was much smaller than mine, with much less text.  I know that my cluster is a bit daunting to the reader, since it's so big and spread out.  But my controversy is very complex, since it's a global issue, and a political, economic, and environmental concern.  For me, it was important to have all this information mapped out, because then I can see the connections all in one place.  I think the purpose of a cluster/mind map is to help the author more than the reader, so I like my system.


  1. I LOVE this post. The very first sentence introduces me to your topic and the summary in the beginning definitely made following the flow chart much easier. Speaking of the flow chart, it was extremely detailed but stayed on topic. I also enjoy how there was never too much on one line, if you had more to say, it was extended to a separate branch. Great Work!

  2. The fact that you went super detailed with every branch of your cluster makes me pretty impressed (and admittedly a little jealous). There are no suggestions that I can make to help you improve upon this. Well done, and keep up the good work!

  3. We used a different site for making a cluster map. However, I really like how you did yours because you incorporated statistics and you wrote some sentences, but not so detailed that they limited you from writing more later on. It is well thought out. Like Chris, I am slightly envious of your cluster map, but I know we both both tailored them to suit our needs and tastes in writing.

  4. We used a different site for making a cluster map. However, I really like how you did yours because you incorporated statistics and you wrote some sentences, but not so detailed that they limited you from writing more later on. It is well thought out. Like Chris, I am slightly envious of your cluster map, but I know we both both tailored them to suit our needs and tastes in writing.

  5. Wow your Coggle has a lot of information on it! I am amazed at the amount of stuff you put on there and how it all branched out into different colors. The only thing I couldn't find out how to do was zoom out in order to see it all as a whole, which can be important.
