Thursday, September 3, 2015

Evaluating Social Media Sources: Ivory Trade

Continuing my research on the environmental controversy of elephant poaching and ivory trade, I will now explore two more sources, this time from the social media site Twitter.

Ossanna, Lia. "Screenshot of AWF homepage."
9/3/15 via

The first source I found was a African Wildlife Foundation tweet.  AFW has been an established organization since 1961, dedicated to the conservation of natural Africa.

Their Twitter account has been verified, signalling this is the official account of the foundation.  The foundation has their own official website, and is labeled an Accredited Charity by  Given all these factors, this Twitter account and foundation seem very credible.

Since tweets are so short, the purpose of this tweet is to promote/make known an AFW article, Thailand Destroys 2 Tons of Ivory.  The article was reported from Nairobi, Kenya, where one of the foundation's offices is located.  Although AFW was probably not directly involved in the ivory destruction in Thailand, they have been involved in similar events in Africa.

AFW's Twitter has about 30,000 followers.  The foundation has partnered with local and regional African governments, and corporations including Disneynature and Starbucks.  They are well established and connected.

This recent news about Thailand's ivory destruction has been reported on by others including World Wildlife Fund, The Guardian, and International Business Times.  Clearly this story has been corroborated by many others.

By the general nature and interest of this foundation, all of their Twitter posts revolve around wildlife.  They tweet about elephants frequently, as well as poaching of other animals, such as rhinos.  Often they are trying to inform the public about their projects or the status of different threatened animals in Africa, or generate donations with campaigns.

This issue is very recent: the AFW article is from August 27, 2015, and the tweet promoting the article is from August 31.  As for the account itself, AFW has been a member of Twitter since 2009, which strongly signals credibility.

Given all these factors, the information relayed in their tweet is highly reliable.  It is recent, and can be crossed referenced with many other respected sources.  The foundation itself is also well established and credible.


The second source I found came from a CapRadio News tweet.  Capital Public Radio is public radio station that broadcasts in Sacramento, CA.  They share news stories mainly, some taken from NPR, as well as some jazz and classical music.

Capital Public Radio has its own official website, along with a Facebook page in addition to their Twitter account.  Based off their website and Twitter, they are definitely an established organization.  The fact that they broadcast NPR programs also highlights their credibility, since NPR is a respected news source.

The purpose of this tweet is to promote and make known an Capital Public Radio news article, California Senate Passes Bill to Tighten Ivory Trade Ban.  They are located right where the relevant news is taking place: California.  They are not directly related to the issue itself, but are choosing to cover the story because it is news pertinent to their state.

CapRadio News has about 6,000 followers on Twitter.  National Public Radio is among their network.  The station partners with regional concert halls and theaters to give away tickets to dance and concerts in the genre of the music the radio plays.

The story on the CA ivory trade ban Capital Public Radio is covering can be corroborated by numerous other sources. The Humane Society and Wildlife Conservation Society both reported on the bill passing.  The National Rifle Association and Atkins, the Speaker of the Assembly, both reported previously on the drafting of the bill.

Capital Public Radio is not an animal rights or wildlife conservation station.  They do not focus their attention on issues like this unless there is a greater relevance, such as the news story is extremely popular, or if it has to do with California.  In this case, the ivory ban bill was covered because it was tied to California politics.

This news is extremely recent.  The tweet itself was posted September 3, 2015, and the relating article was written September 2, 2015.  CapRadio News has been a member of Twitter since 2010, indicating they are well established and credible.

Similar to the last article, strong evidence shows this tweet is reliable.  The event of the bill passing is factual, since it can be linked to other respectable sources, and the station is highly credible itself.

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