Friday, September 11, 2015

Draft of Quick Reference Guide

All of my recent posts focused on ivory trade have been leading up to writing a Quick Reference Guide.  Here is my first draft.  It still needs a lot of help, and I'm looking for a lot of pointers.

My QRG is so long!  I know, I know, it's overwhelming for me, too.  But the problem is, ivory trade is such a complex issue.  There are environmental, cultural, political, and economic aspects.  Ivory trade operates on at least three different continents.  It's been an ongoing issue for over two centuries.  Given this, I have a few requests for comments:

  • Can some of the text be cut down because some of the background information is already common knowledge?
  • Is there any section that doesn't feel relevant, and can be cut out?
  • Are there any sections that are just way too long and need to be reduced?
  • Is the white space ratio good?  Is the format readable?
  • Are some parts too technical and should be simplified?
  • Does the logic of the questions/subheadings make sense?  Does the QRG flow easily?
  • Is credibility for the main groups involved explained thoroughly enough?
  • Are the values/fears evident for the major groups?
  • Does the conclusion generate enough sympathy?
Ossanna, Lia. "Screenshot of My QRG Opening."
9/11/15 via

Thanks so much for all your help!

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