Saturday, December 5, 2015

Draft of Open Letter

We're on our final project!  I've written my first draft of my open letter, which can be viewed here.

Mostly, in reviewing this draft, I would like to know if I'm answering the prompt thoroughly enough, so if while reading it you have any suggestions about that, they are welcome.  Do you think I covered the semester thoroughly enough?  Also, I didn't do extensive research on the genre (it's the end of the semester and I'm getting a little lazy -- I'm not proud of it), so if you see something that doesn't fit the conventions of an open letter, please note that as well.  And finally, I'd like your opinions on the tone of the letter, and if it seems appropriate.

Friedman, Lynn. "artMRKT 2013: End of Story Neon Sign."
5/17/13 via Flickr. Application-NonCommerical-NoDerivs
2.0 Generic License.

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