Wednesday, August 26, 2015

My Controversy

Ossanna, Lia. " Screenshot of CBS article 'Abortion controversy overshadows Planned Parenthood health services.'" 8/26/15 via

In July, heated discussion sparked after a video revealed organization officers discussing selling researchers fetal tissue.  CBS was among many news sources reporting on the issue, arguing that the focus on the tissue sales “overshadows Planned Parenthoodhealth services.”

This issue bled heavily into the nascent 2016 presidential election debates.  GOP Senator Ernst proposed cutting all Planned Parenthood funding, leading many Republican candidates to denounce the organization in the first Republican candidate debate.

However, CBS and Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards are emphasizing all of the health services the organization supplies, many of which are not related to abortion: contraceptive resources, STI testing, and breast cancer screening. The focus on simply the abortion sector is misleading and even dangerous.  Senator Ernst’s drastic reaction is potentially illegal under the “freedom of choice” Medicaid provision.

I am a feminist, and will not shy away from the controversial issue of reproductive rights.  Women’s rights, human rights, and fighting patriarchy is not only a passion for me: it’s a necessity.  My fundamental identity is based off believing in equality.  I strive to increase my understanding of the complexities and politics of race, gender, sexuality, income inequity, nationality, and culture; all of which create the billions of unique and deserving individuals.

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