Sunday, November 15, 2015

Reflection on Project 3 Draft

Now that I've received peer reviews, I'm able to begin the revising process and reflect on what needs the most work in my draft.  I peer reviewed Joy and Chad's drafts.

Edal. "Rain on Thassos." 10/28/11 via Wikimedia Commons.
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  1. Zayla Crocker and Austin See reviewed my draft.
  2. Zayla's comments about my audience helped me realize that I need to change my audience and Mostly the review was helpful.  move away from what I was originally thinking of.  I realized that the idea of writing to city council members was too restrictive, and that instead I should move towards addressing the citizens more, because that's what I was already beginning to do.  Both of them mentioned that praising Tucson worked against me, because I was hindering my own argument, which was important for me to realize.  I think instead I will leave the praise to the end only, because I want to end on a positive note, since I think that will be most effective.  Austin also commented that he felt this was a mix of a pro argument and a solution argument.  I think that I can make it more specifically a refutation argument by directly mentioning the drought plan that I'm refuting in greater depth.
  3. The areas I need to focus on most are audience and argumentation.  As I mentioned earlier, I am shifting my audience, so when I revise my paper, I'll have to be clearer about who my new audience is, and keep them in mind while writing.  Mostly though, I'll be working at how to directly refute points in the drought preparedness plan, which will make this a more effective refutation argument, and add organization to my article.
  4. Overall, I can definitely see where I need to improve, which is good.  I have a clear plan of immediate changes I'm going to make that will make my paper stronger.  Having a conference with Mr. Bottai also helped me see where I can work on strengthening my paper.  I'm comfortable with the genre and purpose, so now I will focus mainly on how I am conducting my argument. 

1 comment:

  1. 2 extra credit points applied to Blog Posts 1.10, 1.12 & 1.14
